Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Taylor Swift birthday-21

Your Celebrity fans of Taylor Swift's beautiful, do not forget that today, December 13, 2010, age of Swift Taylor entered the number 21. What he'd done today? Looks like Pennsylvania-born country singer was going to fulfill his desire to hold a birthday party with the theme of winter in a condo he owns in Nashville.

A few months ago, Taylor Swift had commented that he had big plans to celebrate the birthday-21. "Plans for the anniversary of the I-21 is probably the winter themed party," he said at the time. Why? "I love winter. I love Christmas," continued the singer that her birthday is approaching this Christmas.

In a story reported by MTV.com also mentioned that Taylor Swift plans to make his own condo in Nashville as a location for themed party this winter. "I want my party held at a condo owned by me. It would be nice," she added.
If any celebrity has a birthday, certainly the fans will say happy birthday on them this idol. And what else means more appropriate to do that other than Twitter. If you look at Trending Topic, there is the name of Taylor Swift in there. I do not know how many million fans of Taylor Swift who said happy birthday to Taylor until recently.

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