10 Health Benefits of Waking Up Early

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Our elders have been waking up early for as long as we all can remember. They seem to be much more healthy and active then the newer generation. They don’t get headaches, or cramps or are hardly on medicines. Ever wondered why? Well it’s because they wake up early. Getting up early in the morning not just keeps us healthy but it’s bundled with a lot of benefits. Here are some.
1: Waking up early charges you up like a battery. You are more active throughout the day. You are even more enthusiastic about your daily chores which normally seem a burden.
2: Since you get up early in the morning and are fully charged up your creative enzymes start flowing. You figure out solutions to problems in a wink. Why, because your mind is more alert to what’s happening around it.
3: Rise early and you actually have time for breakfast. I’m told it’s one of the most important meals of the day. Without breakfast, your body is running on fumes until you are so hungry at lunchtime that you eat whatever unhealthy thing you can find.
4: Morning is also the perfect time for meditation, yoga and exercise. The air is fresh and full of spiritual energy and there is peace and quiet in the atmosphere. Hence it is the best time to meditate as you won’t be disturbed by the noise of the day.
5: Waking up early can give you the much needed time for yourself. Your productivity & sleep will improve by waking up early and you’ll be able to get more done in less time. This will leave you with ample free time for yourself.
6: Waking early gives you a high momentum. Starting something early will make your day longer and you can finish your job on time. Thus there will be no problem and pressure in your day to day task.
7: Early morning is an excellent time for personal development. The silence of the morning is often the time when your mind is at its clearest and most well-suited to solving important problems and making changes.
8: Waking up early keeps you in the right set of mood all day long. You do not feel irritated, or disturbed. You are happy and have a lively atmosphere around you.
9: Getting up early gives you a feeling of being healthy and alive. You feel like doing things more often and look forward to getting up early each day.
10: Early morning risers are mentally, emotionally and physically fit. Their moods are balanced, they do not suffer from fatigue or anxiety. They do not get the urge to sleep during the day.

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